Who WE Are
An art movement promoting artist residences, discussions, and art exhibits on the end of Postmodernism and the birth of Metamodernism.

Art Movement
Jada consists of a group of artists promoting art discussions, talks, exhibits, and statements on Metamodernism.
Art Fairs
Jada hosts commercial art fairs in Miami and France during art week to promote Jada artists as a collective.
Art Residencies
Jada art residencies help to cultivate art practice, theory and artist discussions in a two-week intensive program.
Art Talks
Jada hosts art talks and discussions weekly on its streaming platform, JadaTV.com to encourage artist connection and intention.
Art Courses
Jada offers its members art teachings and online courses by leading art professors and scholars in the industry.
Art Membership
Jada art membership is for beginning and established artists seeking community, critique, and career development.

Contact Us
(813) 340-5596
1250 Normandy Dr
Miami Beach, FL 33141